No matter whether you keep a tight grip on your finances or not, there are times when emergencies pop up, and you need to deal with them. Often that means you have to pull out your credit card and charge expenses that you intend to pay back later, especially if you don’t have emergency savings. Even if you have a nest egg for urgent matters, that money can dissipate quickly and most people are just a paycheck or two away from a real financial crisis.
Credit cards can certainly help in a pinch, but using debt to bridge the gap between your income and expenses without a plan can trap you in a debt cycle you’ll find it hard to escape from. To help find a pathway back to a debt-free life, you might consider a company like Brice Capital to discuss debt consolidation as a solution to your debt problem.
Frequently Asked Questions for Debt Consolidation
Who Is Brice Capital?
Maybe you’ve read reviews on Brice Capital, and you are considering a debt consolidation loan, but before you make the leap, you want to know more about the company. So, who is Brice Capital? They are one of the best debt consolidation companies that can analyze your current position, explain how to consolidate debt balances, and put you on the road to paying off your obligations in full.
They offer real solutions to your financial problems when you just can’t seem to escape your cycle of debt. The only thing you have to do is take the first step and contact them to see how they can help you and your family.
How Much Debt Is Too Much?
In order to build your credit score, you have to incur some level of debt because it signals to lenders that you’re a reliable person who is likely to pay back a loan. But as you carry that debt from month to month, the accruing interest snowballs, and pretty soon, the debt overshadows your income, and the banks see it as a detriment to your ability to pay. To figure out if you carry too much debt, you want to calculate your debt to income ratio by taking your total debts, dividing that number by your total income, and multiplying that number by 100.
In general, homeowners want to keep that number under about 36 percent, and non-homeowners want to stay under approximately 20 percent. If you carry debt above those percentages, you’ll have a hard time securing a loan with any bank until you bring the ratio down.
How to Become Debt Free
If you own a home, you might think becoming debt-free is an impossible dream and just give up on the whole notion. While it’s true that you will probably continue to carry your mortgage, that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce and eliminate your other outstanding obligations, like your credit cards.
Remember, the idea isn’t to completely free yourself of all debt but to bring it within reasonable levels and eliminate the debt that you can. If you do that, you can put your money to work in other places and build sustainable wealth instead of watching that money leave your bank account. But how do you do that when you already have a tight budget, and you’re paying month to month while accruing interest?
One way to rearrange your finances and free up cash in your budget to get you on the road to debt elimination is through a debt consolidation loan.
What is Debt Consolidation?
Debt consolidation is when a company takes your eligible outstanding debt and rolls the balances into one comprehensive personal loan. Taking out a debt consolidation loan won’t reduce your overall balance right away, but instead of making multiple minimum payments on different loans, you only make one. Not only will that open up money in your budget, but it will give you a clear path to eliminating those debt obligations.
How Do Debt Consolidation Loans Work?
Debt consolidation loans combine your outstanding debt into a single personal loan by paying off your balances and moving them into your new debt obligation.
So, the first step in deciding how to consolidate your debt is to look at your outstanding balances and choose which ones you want to include when applying for Brice Capital debt consolidation. Once you get your debts in order, you want to look at the debt consolidation loan rates to see if they’re less than the rates you already carry. Then, simply have Brice Capital roll the balances into one loan.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation?
As with everything, there are positives and negatives to making a move, so you want to consider both before you consolidate your debt. Here’s what you need to know.
- Reduce multiple payments down to one
- Potentially lower your interest rate
- Clear a path to debt reduction and elimination
- Can help improve your credit score
- May be difficult to qualify for lower rates
- Extended loan terms may cost more overall
- Might have to pay fees to set up
Why Should You Consolidate Your Own Debt?
As you can see from Brice Capital reviews, many people have success in paying down their outstanding obligations with a debt consolidation loan. So, if you find yourself in a debt spiral that you can’t escape on your own, consolidation could be the answer to your long term financial health.
How Can Brice Capital Help You?
Getting a handle on your outstanding debt is a big first step to financial freedom and potential future wealth, and the sooner you start, the better. After all, if you keep holding onto the debt you carry, you stay in the same place you are right now. And if your current finances were working for you, debt consolidation wouldn’t be on your mind.
So, if you want to clear your debts and set yourself on a positive financial path, start by filling out a Brice Capital application to see how they can help you today.